Preprints (submitted)

  • A Restriction Norm Problem for Siegel Modular Forms (2023), pdf, arXiv


  • 27.05.24 (upcoming): Talk at Cologne’s Number Theory Seminar
  • WS23/24: Learning Seminar on Equidistribution: the Modern Ergodic Method organized by R. Toma and E. Assing at MPIM
  • 18.12.23: Talk at the Copenhagen Number Theory Seminar (online)
  • 11-15.09.23: Speed talk at Young Number Theorists in Bonn
  • 05-09.06.23: Talk at ArStAFANT Workshop in Lausanne
  • 28.05-02.06.23: Seminar on Analysis of Automorphic Forms and L-Functions in Higher Rank in Oberwolfach
  • 07-12.05.23: Video Conference Assistant at Group Actions and Harmonic Analysis in Number Theory in Oberwolfach
  • Feb.-May 23: Research stay in Paris, hosted by Farrell Brumley
  • 25.11.22: Co-organized the Ally Day at the math institute in Bonn
  • 18.05.22: Talk at ENTR Seminar (online)
  • 28-29.03.22: Co-organized Young Scholars in the Analytic Theory of Numbers and Automorphic Forms in Bonn


  • Automorphisms of binary quadratic forms (short note), pdf
  • Decay of Harish-Chandra inverse transform (short note), pdf
  • The sphere packing problem in dimensions 8 and 24 (master thesis), pdf
  • The Mordell-Weil theorem and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture (master project), pdf
  • Le théorème de densité de Chebotarev (bachelor thesis), pdf (in french)
  • Étude des pavages du plan par la théorie des groupes (highschool project), pdf (in french)