I added some notes in the research tab. These are short articles that are interesting by themselves. Here is the full list (that should stay updated):

  • Automorphisms of binary quadratic forms, pdf
    • We compute all the automorphisms in $\operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb Z)$ of an integral binary quadratic form. Two tables at the end summarize the results. This note is part of [1].
  • Decay of Harish-Chandra inverse transform, pdf
    • We prove a strong decay bound for the Harish-Chandra inverse transform under a similar assumption for the candidate function. This is essentially done in Section 4.2 of [2].


  1. Gilles Felber (2023): A Restriction Norm Problem for Siegel Modular Forms. In: ArXiv, 2023.
  2. Gilles Felber (2023): A Restriction Norm Problem for Siegel Modular Forms. In: ArXiv, 2023.

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